Knee Replacement Surgery In Hisar

Knee Replacement Surgery In Hisar



Hp ortho Care is the best orthopedic hospital in Hisar, offering patients all kinds of orthopedic treatments. Talking about the best orthopedic surgeon in Hisar, Dr. Soneet Aggarwal is recognized by patients as the best orthopedic surgeon in Hisar. Dr. Soneet Aggarwal is highly experienced and has more than 25 years of experience in this field recognizing him as the best orthopedic surgeon in his area. Hp orthocare Hospital provides various treatments including knee replacement surgery, hip replacement surgery, sports injury-related treatments, arthritis treatments, and so on.

Knee Replacement Surgery in Hisar Hp ortho Care is widely known for introducing the latest medical techniques and conducting the best Knee Replacement surgery in Hisar. Robotic surgery is the latest technique and treatment, helping patients to recover fast. Hp Orthocare has the Latest and most well-furnished operating ensemble available with technologized surgical instruments. Hp ortho care provides patients with upper-level techniques and opulent suites. Having skilled and experienced doctors makes Hp ortho Care the best Knee replacement surgery hospital in Hisar. We have experienced knee replacement Surgeons that can treat patients with the latest techniques and give the best treatment and care. Dr. Soneet Aggarwal of Hp ortho Care is one of the best knee replacement surgeons in Hisar and an experienced robotic knee replacement surgeon. Robotic knee replacement surgery benefits from Painless surgery, Less blood loss -, 100% accuracy Early recovery, and improved implant life.



After some time pain started with no physical motion also. In this situation, doctors suggest surgery they check and clear after going through tests which include blood tests, X-rays, MRI, etc and they go for previous medical history so the surgeon knows the actual position of the patient. Clinical Tests: Nonsurgical treatments are like medications and using walking supports is no longer helpful as they can help you for a short period but for longer and more accurate treatment you have to go for surgery. Knee replacement surgery is a secure and effective method to relieve pain and came back to normal routine. Procedure: Antehisa is given to patients before surgery they may sleep or not but the patient will not feel any type of pain during surgery. The total time taken for surgery is Aprox. 1 to 2 hours. In this procedure, the best surgeon will replace damaged cartilage and bone with man-made artificial joints made up of metal and plastic called prostheses.


Types Of Surgery

Artificial metal and plastic implants are used to restore alignment. After completing this procedure surgeons staples the stitches and give banded and then the patient will shift to the recovery room and doctors keep an eye on the patient to avoid any complications. usually, patients can home after one day. The cost of operation is between 180000 to 350000 and rest varies from patient to patient as if no of days increases on stay in hospital. Hip Replacement Surgery in Hisar  Hp Ortho Care is well known for providing  Hip Replacement Surgery in Hisar.

A doctor will take possible Clinical tests to check the main problem and proceed with surgery. The time taken for surgery is 1 to 2 hours. Anesthesia is given to patients they will not feel any pain while surgery. Medications are not a longer treatment for pain and discomfort patient has to go for surgery for stress-free treatment. After Surgery Precautions: After Surgery and some Medications are often prescribed for short-term pain relief. A combination of medicines is given to heal the opioids. Medicines are given for managing pain, including opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, and local anesthetics. But these drugs must be taken with the consultation of a doctor only. The surgeon will suggest a theory for controlling blood clotting in the legs. He will also suggest some small exercises for better movement of the legs which prevent clots in the legs.

1. Wound Care: Stitches or staples placed during the surgery need special care. While bathing or sponging the patient’s body wound should not be in contact with water. You have to get changed banded from the hospital on a regular basis as per the perception of a doctor.

2. Diet: After Surgery, patients have to take a balanced and healthy diet rich in iron, calcium, and proteins. The doctor also suggests supplements for fast recovery.

A healthy diet is important to help to heal wounds and to restore muscle strength.

3. Activity
For better movement and to increase muscle strength you need to go for small exercises given by the doctor